About Us

This page is for people who are looking for Japanese items that you can’t buy here easily. We are a Japanese and Australian couple, and we are NOT a shop (this is a service) so we mainly get items after getting orders but we have some items here so please check our website too.

I moved here with my husband from Japan a few years ago and I realised how difficult it is to get Japanese items here. So we decided to make this page to help people’s collections and share happy feelings!

Mainly I (Ayaka) work here. I have some sicknesses (i.e. fibromyalgia etc.) so my responses might take some time. My first language is Japanese so if you use clear English, it’ll be helpful.

We’ll try to be nice and give you reasonable prices as much as we can but we also want to ask you some things for us both to be happy.

Jiji and Lilly
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