
If you are interested in doing tutoring with us please contact us via our community Facebook page: 


《General tutoring information》
• $50/ 1hour (one on one session)
• $50/ 1hour (one off session, for traveling etc.)
• $40/ 45 minutes (classes)
(You can start lessons with your friends/ siblings.)
• $40/ 45 minutes (course)
(We haven’t decided when we start this one yet)
* We’ll put more details as soon as we decide it.
• price depends on difficulty / amount: checking Japanese writing (for essay etc.)
Japanese – any level
Maths – until year 9, mathematical thinking
Due to having a toddler and being a high risk patient, we are teaching via Zoom or Skype at the moment.
We can talk to you before starting lessons and you can decide if you still want to learn from us.
I also have a page for studying Japanese:
If you are interested in learning Japanese language and culture, please check there too!

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